Abba’s Word Podcast - The Word of God is Spirit and Life

About Your Host

    Hey there!!! I am so glad you're here!! 

My name is Ruth Usoro a.k.a. RuthBeulah. A child of God, a Nigerian Track and Field athlete, a Mass Communication Grad student, and of course a podcaster 😀

My love for the Media and Communication field began as a young kid. Growing up, my parents listened to the radio before bed, and I would imitate whatsoever I heard the radio host say. I always looked forward to those nights, and this sparked my interest in the media field and podcasting. As a girl that has found her one and true lover - Jesus. I am just here to share who He is and to make Him known through my voice and through this platform. Let's walk together on this journey to become like Jesus daily

Welcome Home❤️