March 8, 2024








Hey Soldier of God (SOG),

It’s another beautiful week, how are you today?


At times, I’m filled with excitement for the upcoming week, while other times, I find myself pleading with Daddy (our Heavenly Father, whom I affectionately refer to as Daddy) to extend the weekend by just one more day, as it seems to vanish too quickly, leaving me wondering where my time for rest disappeared to . I’m sure you can probably relate to this feeling too. However, it’s comforting to remember that God’s strength shines brightest in our moments of weakness. Our fatigue and human limitations serve as opportunities for us to embrace God’s unwavering strength, witnessing how He transforms the frail into the formidable, akin to the story of Gideon.


Just yesterday, I woke up for my morning prayers and while I was praising God, the book of Hebrews chapter 11 dropped in my Spirit, so I decided to play it repeatedly on my KJV Bible app while preparing to leave the house. This chapter talks about Faith and how through faith, the people of old obtained the promises of God and did mighty things through their faith. Many verses stood out to me in this chapter as I listened, but I’ll share just one with you today. Hebrews 11:34 KJV  “…..out of weakness were made strong”  Upon seeing this scripture, the first person that came to mind was my Gee- Gideon amongst many others (lol don’t ask me why I call him my Gee ). The life of Gideon shows how God disregards every weakness we have and calls us from the place of the purpose and assignment He has already given us before the foundation of the world.


See, Gideon had all odds against him. He was from the weakest clan in Manasseh, and he was the least in his family. To make it worse, Gideon was clueless on how to lead an army, but God called him a mighty warrior… like how? Dear SOG, God has probably called you a great revivalist, but you still struggle with having faith or you’re ready to hide when you speak the truth, or He has called you a sound teacher, but you still struggle to speak fluently, He has probably called you a great apostle, but you are very timid. Maybe He has called you a great billionaire and you’re still struggling to make ends meet, or He has called you a great writer but you’re still struggling to put your words together on paper. In fact, whatever He must have called you that you know doesn’t make sense based on your present circumstance.


You might be wondering why God calls you the opposite of how you currently see yourself. The reason God calls us these great things isn’t because He is not aware of our weaknesses but instead it’s because of the presence of that weakness that He wants to glorify Himself so you will know that only God is capable of it and only Him gets the Glory. Your weakness (whatever it is) is an opportunity for God to showcase His mighty power in you and through you but you have a part to play. You can either accept what God calls you, surrender your weaknesses to Him, and step up to the plate just like Gideon because He has given you all you need, or you can keep seeing yourself through the lens of your present situation and never get to lead an army or defeat your Midianites on the way to fulfilling God’s call upon your life.


There is a prophecy over you dear SOG. God loves weak people, but He doesn’t leave them that way. He is ready to teach your hands to war and your fingers to fight. God put great treasures in unexpected places and in unexpected people so the Glory can only go to Him. God has placed a treasure in you and your weaknesses plus His power will make you mighty


Until we chat again, have a beautiful week ahead! I love you and keep staying in God 🥰